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Advanced Studies in England - study abroad in Bath.
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Limited places are available on each course to preserve the small, interactive class experience, and places on most courses will be allocated to suitably qualified applicants on a first-come-first-served basis.
Black Fantastika
This course explores racial identities in fantastic fiction from around the world from the nineteenth century to the present day in an attempt to define a Black fantastika.
British TV Period Drama
How do TV period dramas reflect and influence British national identity, and others' perception of it? Why does the genre continue to be so popular? And how far has it adapted (and should it adapt) to 21st century values?
This course examines the continuing appeal of British televised period drama.
Film Production: Documentary
Britain has a rich documentary tradition the Free Cinema movement of the 1950s and Channel 4’s film workshops of the 1980s, to the pioneering work of the BBC in current affairs and wildlife documentary.
Film Production: Short Fiction
This course will give students the opportunity to explore contemporary short film culture in the UK and to produce work of their own inspired by this research.
Film Screenwriting
This course introduces students to imaginative, theoretical and practical elements of short-film screenwriting, covering a range of styles and genres.
Internship: Suited & Booted Studios
Suited & Booted Studios is a highly successful, award-winning production company with a social conscience.
Film - ASE Advanced Tutorial
Choose to examine in depth a particular screenwriter, director, or genre; or develop your own skills as a writer, actor, director, or film-maker.